
Process and Poetry

by and Aug 11, 2010
by Matthew Sturz and 黄晓兰 Aug 11, 2010


















7、Pdc 实习,波茨维尔,宾夕法尼亚州


































康乃尔LA的全体教员 | 谢谢你们给予学生的耐心及全心倾注。

让世界转动的人们 | Kris Flashive, Kristie Oplinger, April Kampney

我的临时教员 | Zack Boggs、Chris Hardy

我的同学 | 我的第二个家庭

我的家庭 | “真正”的家庭

所有人 | 谢谢你们

Matthew Sturz来自麻省波士顿地区,是康乃尔大学风景园林系的2010届本科毕业生。童年与自然乡野的亲密接触,成长年代经历了美国稳固的居住区景观的发展阶段,使得他对户外自然及绿色事业无比热爱。大学的学习释放了他的艺术一面,从而引领他走入风景园林专业。在自身的风景园林专业学习中,他的专业兴趣在于:在“最大化经济及社会效益,最小化负面的环境影响”前提下,重建都市空间;在学术及适宜居住尺度上,创造功能性、艺术性、交互性的环境。他的“诗意过程”,用文字与图像表述了其走向设计与风景园林的旅程。文中谈到了他的设计途径与对细节的关注,并与我们分享了自己的艺术和文学创作,所有这些都与风景园林以及他的个人生活密不可分。

Process and Poetry

His presentation “Process and Poetry” contains both graphic work and images illustrating his journey to design and toward landscape architecture. It discusses his approach to design projects and his detail-oriented perspective which informs his design work. He also shares samples of his artwork and poetry, both from his semester in Rome, Italy and outside projects – these are inspired by what he describes as “moments”, and capture the passion he brings to landscape architecture and to life.

1 Belmont, Massachusetts

The small Boston suburb I call home…

2 Where my story begins

From Belmont to Cornell

This is approximately where I decided that landscape architecture seemed more interesting than mechanical engineering…

3 Inspiration memory of magic awakens me.

I continue to be inspired by tiny details and moments in the world around me that make me pause and ask “why not?”

4 Define the problem ,applied creativity

5 Southworks | Chicago, Illinois

LA 4010: urban design studio, Fall 2009

Redeveloping the former US steel manufacturing site of 545 acres required an understanding of the systems at work in the adjacent neighborhood as well as the macroscopic resource networks into which the site is woven.

In planning the site, new networks emerged, such as transportation hierarchy, green space, and the relationships between adjacent land use typologies.

Green infrastructure was a key component of the proposed storm water management practice. It also expanded on the mandatory shoreline buffer zone and made it into usable public waterfront for trails and park space.

6 Southworks | Chicago, Illinois

LA 4010: urban design studio, Fall 2009

7 Pdc internship | Pottsville, Pennsylvania

Summer 2009

Working with city officials, community organizations, and the community at-large, this design/build project made usable park space of a parcel adjacent to rt. 61 in a ten week internship. Materials selection was consistent with the city’s interest that the site be low-maintenance, as were plantings.

Additionally, the design accounts for important view corridors, including the Extol building and the city itself. After drafting site and planting plans, volunteers assisted in the construction phase, enabling the team to make significant progress in getting the park built.

8 Rome art studio | Rome, Italy

ART 4000: Rome studio, Spring 2009

The following are selected art projects completed in the Cornell-in-Rome studio.

Puzzle motif: originally in response to a prompt to respond to “tourism”, this wood carving represents how places are part of a larger geographic context and interrelated. Missing pieces are unformed experiences. The text grayscale is original poetry about the places visited during the Rome studio.

Layered poetry: inspired by the layers and accretion of history in Rome, this is an 8 line poem painted on wood about opaque layers of history obscuring the rest of the story.

Charcoal triptych: composed during drawing class, these three pieces exhibit similar construction of space and treatment of vegetation. They were not originally intended as a triptych, but emerged as one upon further examination.

9 Carrying on curiosity | writing, photography and art

10 Brief thoughts on 4 years here

Amazing what you can find when you’re not looking for it…

Excited for the next chapter, whatever that may be…

Made me look more critically at the world around me

Made me a more curious person

Since I stumbled upon landscape architecture, I have never seriously considered doing anything else.

11 Portrait of an Urbanite

Cityscape wild, prevailing force-of-nature,

Asphalt rivers and rebar vines,

A rainforest in constant flux.

Pastoral orchards of money-trees rustle softly,

Verdant and vile, yet tranquil, as

Gilded-leaf angels and silver saints sing of paradise.

Citizen-faithful dwells in Technicolor –

White jackets conceal vibrant vermilion shirts,

Convenient camouflage in constrictive tropical jungle.

Chameleon cowards bask in whatever shade suits them.

Blossoms proclaim cerulean from golden centers –

Noise is color is beauty is magic.

Bellow deafening to become alive –

Break from black-soil barrens,

Living but a whisper.

12 Acknowledgements

The L.A. Faculty | for your patience and dedication to the students

My classmates [adopted family]

Interim faculty | Zach Boggs and Chris Hardy

My [real] family

The people that make the world go around | Kris Flahive, Kristie Oplinger, April Kampney

All of you | thank you very much

Matthew Sturz is a 2010 graduate of the Cornell University Landscape Architecture program. Originally from the Boston area, early interaction with nature and exposure to well-defined residential landscape improvement influenced his interest in being outdoors and instilled a love for all things green. The college search process unearthed his artistic side, leading to his discovery of landscape architecture as a college major, a profession, and an industry.

Within landscape architecture, his interest is in restructuring urban spaces to maximize economic and social value while minimizing environmental impacts of development. Additionally, he is interested in creating functional, aesthetic, and interactive environments at both academic and residential scales, retaining a love for the type of work that led him to landscape architecture to begin with.


Matthew Sturz

Matthew Sturz,YouthLA志愿者



9 discussions
  1. 张理齐 says:


  2. louise says:

    pretty cool poem.

  3. YanMing says:


  4. haliyingsuhua says:

    最喜欢就是这句话:Since I stumbled upon landscape architecture, I have never seriously considered doing anything else

  5. Vicent Chen says:


  6. 徐德培 says:


  7. outsider says:


  8. 贺俊 says:


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Matthew Sturz

Matthew Sturz,YouthLA志愿者



新西兰 Greenway 就业 南湖中央公园 SANAA 法国 西安世园会 安藤忠雄 野生动物廊道 北林 如园 罗马奖 可持续 年会 城市 预制混凝土 牛雄 公益 RTD Prof. Nigel Cross 绿墙 香港 钢笔画 鹿特丹 城市空间 水景 张唐景观 华南 设计竞赛 跨学科教育 广场 京津冀 风景园林新青年,就在你身边 首尔 便携 安友丰 生态 布法罗河湾散步道 logo 数字景观 水盒子 环境 James Corner 禅意 园博会 三倾园 骑行 NITA 美国 风景园林学会2011年会 土人景观 年报 证书 托滕堡公园 地震 城市景观 北欧 马克 步行街 住宅花园 纽约 学习方法 欧洲 沃夫岗·哈勃 行业 国家公园 购物中心 韩炳越 枯山水 维吉尼亚理工大学 创业 宋晔皓 迪士尼音乐厅 铁路 沥青 绿色基础设施 德国市民花园 枡野俊明 布鲁克林大桥 五角大楼 SWA 商业建筑 手绘 苗木 国际风景园林师高峰论坛 英国 AGER 玛莎·施瓦茨 Prof. Wolfgang Jonas 贝聿铭 校园 加州花园 绿色屋顶 2012IFLA 北京 联谊 伊利诺伊大学 UIUC 保研 TOPOS 刘秀晨 人文 游乐场 佛罗里达 纵向耕作 LIM 历史 Waterboxx 银泉市 Silver Spring 设计展 Jack Ahern 设景 留学 禅修 马萨诸塞大学 UMass 檀馨 Vertical Greening Systems Media Ship 珊瑚礁 buffalo Kingston University 机场 苏州古典园林 风景园林 永昌河 BIM 展览 宾夕法尼亚大学 公园 成范永 青海 环境效应 哈佛 2013北京园博会 人居环境 何巧女 盆景园 可持续城市 居住区 孟兆祯 设计未来城市 风景区 王劲韬 加拿大 香格里拉植物园 空气污染 LABash 植物园 自然观 翻译 长椅 康奈尔大学 城乡 庭院 Ruggeri 景观都市主义 广州市绿化公司 什刹海 雪铁龙公园 老人 现代主义 洪盈玉 书评 城市建设 理论 洛阳 设计研究 种植 张乔松 志愿者 公共花园 交通节点 区域园林 辰山植物园 北川 Julius Fabos 盐湖城 墨西哥 清华 毕业设计 岭南园林 鸟类 调查问卷 Prof. Loidl-Reisch 考研 保护 迪士尼 Disney 夏成钢 自杀 风景园林月 Juergen Weidinger 纪念碑 鹈鹕湾 花园 维格兰 低收入住宅 铺装 竞赛 经验 朱胜萱 实验 地砖 普渡大学 ASLA学生奖 台湾 教学 博士 希望小学 世博 Diana Balmori Prof. Jürgen Weidinger 职业实践 Ron Henderson Xeritown 绿色设计 王欣 雨水 讲座 弗吉尼亚大学 UVa 数字图解 流浪汉 批评 哈普林 halprin 龙安寺 建筑 德国 雕塑公园 灾后 日本 非言述性和默会性知识 Peter Walker 护栏 教育 Brownfield WEST8 意识形态 纪念性景观 深圳前海 雕塑 湿地 垃圾 Dr. Rosan Chow 2012IFLA亚太区会议 工程 韩国 西方建筑 天津大学 西班牙 休斯顿探索公园 地域性景观 方塔园 巴塞罗那 清华同衡学术周 TAMU 技术 多伦多 迪拜 风景园林学会2015年会 Michael Van Valkenburgh and Associates 北角公园 城市雨水 历史理论 Stoss Landscape Urbanism 多样性 世界风景园林师高峰论坛 万科 LAM Gleisdreieck 会议 泰山 碳补偿林 卡尔维诺 合作 狼牙山 儿童 ASLA 开放空间 场所 树屋 托马斯·丘奇 Hans Joachim Mader 古根海姆博物馆 Vista Hermosa 华盛顿 Gesche Joost 冯纪忠 中央公园 IFLA 9.11 文化景观 挪威 可持续化 GSD 美术馆 日本设计 海平面上升 河流 沙龙 裁员 朱育帆 植物 低能耗 铺地 Mader 摄影 俞昌斌 钓鱼岛 陈俊愉 自然文化资源 图解 新加坡 公共交通 反思 散步道 矶琦新 MLA 论坛 雨洪管理 布鲁克林 棕地 幻觉 水文 数字化 教学元素 概念方案 新年 Malden 滨水 Prof. Gesche Joost ARC 种植装置 客座教授 太阳能 绿道 毛细水 旅游 政治 LEPC 上海 参数化设计 视觉文化 捷得国际 瑠公圳 原子城 几何 马晓暐 空间 经典 IGA 视频 喷泉 新青年读老经典 碛口古镇 风景园林学 风景园林学会2013年会