

李启 / LI Qi
孙慧姝 / SUN Hui-shu
郑爽 / ZHENG Shuang
李晨 / LI Chen

摘要:介绍了2014年第51届国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)国际大学生设计竞赛一等奖作品的创作过程和主要内容。该方案选取陕西省铜川市废弃的玉华煤矿为设计对象,针对其所面临的水土流失、泥石流灾害、煤矸石和矿坑水体污染、山体剥离等问题, 通过分区规划与景观设计的手段,结合多学科理论,提出了综合性的修复策略,以期在玉华煤矿实现循序渐进的生态修复和可持 续发展的景观模式。

关键词:风景园林;2014 IFLA;矿区生态修复;景观规划与设计;适宜技术

Abstract: This paper introduces the design process and main contents of the First Prize plan in the International Student Competition of the 51st International Federation of Landscape Architects Congress (2014). Taking the abandoned Yuhua Colliery in Tongchuan, Shaanxi Province as the design subject, this project uses measures of zoning planning and landscape design, integrates multi-disciplinary theories and proposes comprehensive rehabilitative strategies according to its serious problems of soil erosion, debris flow, coal refuses and water pollution, hill mass peeling and so on. It is expected to realize progressive ecological rehabilitation and sustainable landscape mode in Yuhua Colliery.

Key words: landscape architecture; 2014 IFLA; ecological rehabilitation of colliery; landscape planning and design; appropriate technology

2014年第51届国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)国际 大学生设计竞赛的中心思想是“思考并行动——地球、 家园、景观”,竞赛主题是“Urban Landscapes in Emergency—Creating a Landscape of Places”。此次竞赛的目的是为了将“思考并行动”这一理念融入景观 设计中,并深度发掘设计场地与地理地貌、社会文化环境之间的关系和价值。


1 解题

1.1 题目解析

针对本届竞赛主题,关键是对“emergency”的理 解。这一单词是“紧急情况、突发事件、非常状况”的意 思,相应体现在城市设计中,理解为“避难景观”似乎更 为直接。但笔者认为这样的理解有些狭隘,景观应该更多地体现出她的过程性和动态性,这种非常状况也应该包括 长期发展过程中所造成的环境危机、生态危机,如近几年 频繁出现在我国大部分地区的雾霾、工业棕地等。同时, 围绕此次竞赛“思考并行动”的核心思想,笔者认为应对 当今城市发展所带来的种种危机进行反思,并努力解决处 于危机中的城市景观所面临的不可持续性问题,并通过行 动,使用适宜的可持续技术塑造一个人性化的景观场所, 以重新发掘这些场所的独特价值。基于这样的理解,最 终将目光放在了工业棕地的生态修复上,它既符合紧(危) 急情况下的城市景观这一主题,又能很好地将“思考并行动”这一理念融入整个生态修复过程中。

1.2 选址及定位

陕西省是中国产煤大省,其中距离省会西安较近的 铜川市就有许多煤矿。通过查阅资料,发现其中的玉华煤矿已逐渐废弃,矿区环境恶劣,严重影响了当地的生态环 境、经济发展以及人们的日常生活,迫切需要进行工业棕 地生态修复的研究。随即对玉华煤矿进行了深入调研,发 现矿区在长期开采过程中,严重破坏了地表植被和地下 水,造成水土流失和煤矿附近村庄水资源短缺;矿区内 煤矸石和采矿剥离物长期的雨水淋滤,严重危害着矿区群 众和附近村民的身体健康;因煤炭采空造成的滑坡、崩塌 等地质灾害威胁严重,矿区生态环境的修复与重建迫在眉 睫。同时,玉华煤矿也有着得天独厚的旅游资源和文化底 蕴。矿区紧邻中国西部唯一集皇家避暑行宫、度假旅游为 一体的旅游胜地,自然景观与人文景观相得益彰;玉华矿 区内可以同时看到露天和地下开采2种采煤方式对环境造 成的影响,有较大的教育和科研意义。这也就使得玉华煤 矿具备了通过生态修复和再利用,成为多功能景观空间的 可能——以展示矿业遗迹景观为主体,体现矿业发展历史 内涵,同时具备研究价值与教育功能,供人们游览观赏、 科普考察。矿区生态恢复后的景观可以作为矿业城镇新的 经济增长点,推动矿业城镇的经济多元化及可持续发展。 至此,笔者决定对玉华煤矿环境进行生态修复,并思 考矿区修复后的再利用,以回应这一次IFLA竞赛的题目 要求。在矿区的生态修复中,美学不是中心问题,修复过 程主要在于技术层面。因此,希望能够以一种严谨务实的 态度对场地进行理性的设计和规划,以合理可行的修复策 略、适宜技术进行场地修复[1]。方案的生成要建立在一定的科学研究和严密的逻辑分析之上。

2 场地规划

笔者从叶脉中提取形态特征,综合场地地形、交通现 状以及修复手段,将其融入方案设计中:土壤修复单元如 树叶基质般生长扩散,形成独特大地肌理;主要道路、铁 轨景观沿叶缘布置;游憩路网、景观水系依附叶脉形态展 开。最终“叶脉”成为该区域生态修复和景观体系构建的框架。

3 场地问题与技术对策

解决矿区环境危机,核心是生态修复。我们针对场 地中存在的水土流失、泥石流,煤矸石复垦、矿坑水体净化、山体剥离面的恢复等问题,提出采取适宜性技术,实 现可持续发展的修复策略。

3.1 水土流失、泥石流灾害区

南采掘场和北坑周边斜坡表层土壤和植被遭到破坏, 导致水土流失严重,形成大量冲沟,使植被难以生长。受 到西北地区水窖储存雨水的启发,在坡地上用集水面、挡墙汇集雨水,水窖储存雨水,结合坡地自然高差,利用渗 水陶管管壁上的微孔将水渗出以保持土壤水分,改善植被 生长条件,逐步恢复裸露土地的植被覆盖。同时我们在冲 沟中设置若干固定于树桩上的筛网,雨水冲下的泥土会被 筛网截留,同时雨水会把筛网上裹挟有草种的泥巴冲下。 经过若干年发展冲沟最终会被填平且长满植被,修复材料 会逐渐与自然融为一体。

3.2 煤矸石堆放区

约125万m3的煤矸石、矿渣堆放区不仅挤占了生产生 活用地,而且严重污染环境,因此该区域的修复以对煤矸 石的净化和复垦为重点。我们设计了一个土壤修复单元, 其中加入了降解细菌和石灰粉。煤矸石堆在重力作用下会 从该装置中慢慢渗出,其酸性和污染物会被逐渐稀释分 解,土质不断改善,通过先锋植被狗尾草、荠菜等对污染 物的富集改良和物理作用形成复垦土壤,随着乡土植物群 落不断完善,可以形成新的生态体系。修复单元设施在煤 矸石净化和复垦到一定程度时,通过简单改造,就能转换 为景观服务设施,满足人们多种功能需求。

3.3 矿坑水域

北坑储水量约263万m3,主要补充来源为雨季降水, 前河和龙王沟地表水,焦坪、玉华矿生活污水和生产废水 等,其每天可补充水量约3 000m3。由于工业废水和生活 污水不经处理就直接排入矿坑,矿坑水质呈现出高矿化度 和酸性,使这些宝贵水源无法被利用。利用煤矸石、粉煤 灰为基质与芦苇构建的人工湿地系统能有效吸附水中污染 物质,形成“以废治污”的技术基础[2]。运用景观介入治 污手段,设计了水质净化的3个阶段:1)生态水渠区:利 用粉煤灰和煤矸石作为水渠基质,同时种植芦苇、香蒲等 湿地植物来对径流污水进行初步净化;2)人工湿地区:将 湿地自然形态与调节池、沉淀池、厌氧池、集水池等功能 结合,获取景观效益;3)主湖区:湖体边缘设计以除硫活 性矸石为基质的过滤坝,兼顾水上景观交通功能,分隔区 域用于藻类养殖,对水质进行最终处理。

3.4 山体剥离面及工业遗址区

采矿遗留的山体剥离面非常清晰,为展示其独特地 质构造带来可能。在该区设计一处地质博物馆,使之成为 地质科普教育基地,同时构建延续山体生态体系的屋顶绿 化,保持景观整体性。

玉华矿区遗留的旧厂房、分煤塔等构筑物无人管理, 带来安全隐患,一些具有重要历史文化价值的厂房得不到 有效保护。对这些资源进行整合与再设计,使之转换为各 类景观设施,例如将分煤塔及输煤道改造成观景塔和空中 观景廊道,各观景塔相互联系,形成立体观景系统。

4 生态修复理念与步骤

4.1 生态修复理念

生态修复是指按照生态系统的演进规律,利用自然 和人为力量,依靠生态系统的自我调节能力与自我组织 能力,辅以人工措施,进行修理、改良、重建、维护和 管理,使遭到破坏的生态系统逐步恢复或使生态系统向良 性循环方向发展[3]。希望通过景观手段处理好人与自然、 人与经济发展及历史文化之间的关系,在玉华煤矿形成可 持续的发展模式。土壤和水质的修复将促进生态系统的完 善,进而为农业、林业、药草业的发展提供基础。工业遗 址经过景观改造后将依托当地风景名胜资源的巨大吸引力 形成矿业遗迹景观区,促进文化、旅游产业蓬勃发展。产 业结构的调整将带动经济增长,促进人口就业,同时优越 的自然环境和历史文化会显著增强地区活力和吸引力。

4.2 修复步骤

该区域的规划发展分为4个阶段。 第一阶段,生态基础重构。首先对水土流失严重、生态结构脆弱的边坡进行修复,通过储水、渗灌、留土、填 沟等一系列措施使区域满足植物生长的基本条件。同时, 对大量煤矸石堆放区进行净化复垦处理,经过处理单元的 初步净化,先锋植被得以快速生长并吸收污染物。

第二阶段,生态结构发展。边坡生态环境进一步优 化,煤矸石山复垦土壤进一步净化,大量乡土灌木、乔木 开始生长,植物群落不断完善。山体剥离面上层的绿化工 作开始进行。水质改善措施同步展开,逐步构建三级净化 系统,同时湿地植物快速发展,当地鸟类、鱼类、哺乳动 物开始繁衍生息,生物链初步形成。

第三阶段,生态体系完善,景观介入。随着土壤改 良、水质净化、生态多样性逐渐恢复,此时可对完成生态 修复作用的各类设施进行改造,对工业遗迹整合设计,对 文化遗产保护利用,发展具有当地特色及经济、观赏价值 的果树林木,形成多样的景观空间。

第四阶段,经济、生态、文化综合发展。第一产业 (包括农业、林业、草药业等)和第三产业(包括旅游业、 创意文化产业、相关服务业等)稳步健康发展,生态环境 质量进一步提升,当地产业文化得到有效保护、利用和发 扬,跨越多领域的景观体系构建完成。舒适宜人的生态环 境和整体设计的景观体系为旅游观光、采摘体验、休闲娱乐、水上活动、户外运动、文化展示、科普教育、交流贸 易等各类活动的发生创造了积极条件。

5 结语

此次参赛给我们的启示是:首先,应深入思考场地与危机的联系,矿区修复覆盖了环境工程、生态学、水文 学、土壤学、风景园林学等众多学科领域,需要跨学科思 考的设计视角。正如评委会对于本方案所做出的评语“设 计小组将技术、自然、生态和节水措施等因素综合起来, 令方案合理且有说服力”。其次,我们应该以动态的发展 眼光看待并解决问题,运用适宜的可持续技术,逐步构建 具备综合效益的景观体系。

致谢:感谢导师吕小辉副教授和杨豪中教授在竞赛过程中对我们的悉心指导,并对我们的方案给予中肯的意见,是他们的指 导让我们的作品得以顺利完成,并感谢给予我们帮助的所有老师和同学。

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1 Analyzing Subject

This paper contraposes the theme of the International Student Competition of the 51st International Federation of Landscape Architects Congress, which is “Urban Landscapes in Emergency – Creating a Landscape of Places”. The authors consider that the key is the understanding of “Emergency”, which does not only mean “critical situations, emergencies, or unusual situations”, but should reflect the process and the dynamics in landscape architecture. Besides, this emergency should also include the environmental crisis and ecological crisis caused by long-term development process. Based on this understanding, the authors set their sights on the ecological restoration of Yuhua Colliery, which not only conforms to the subject of urban landscape in emergency, but also integrates a good concept – “thinking and action” – into the entire ecosystem restoration process.

2 Site Selection and Positioning

Yuhua Colliery is located in Tongchuan City, Shaanxi Province, and it has been gradually abandoned after years of mining. After research, the authors found that the colliery had severely damaged the surface vegetation and groundwater during the long-term mining process, causing soil erosion and water shortages in nearby villages. In addition, the coal gangue and the mining overburden were soaked in the rain within a long time, which seriously endangered people’s health in the mining area. What’s more, some geological disasters, such as landslide and collapse, caused by coal gob area, seriously affecting the local ecological environment, economic development and people’s daily lives. In result, it is extremely urgent to repair and reconstruct the ecological environment of the mining area. Aesthetics is not the critical issue during the ecological restoration of mining, but the technical level is the key of repairing process. Therefore, the authors hope to be able to have a rigorous and pragmatic attitude toward the rational design and site planning, and use feasible restoration strategy and appropriate technology for site remediation.

3 Site Planning

In the overall planning of the site, the authors extracted morphological features from the leaf veins, combining site topography, traffi situation and repair tools with the program design, soil remediation units, such as the growth of the diffusion matrix leaves, form a unique texture; main roads, tracks landscape set along the leaf margin; recreation road network, landscape drainage attached to vein’s form to commence. Eventually, “veins” has become the framework of regional ecological restoration and landscape system.

4 Site Problem and Technical Solutions

The core to solve the environmental crisis caused by mining lies in ecological restoration. Contraposing the problems existing in the sites, such as soil erosion, debris flows, coal reclamation, mine water purification and mountain peel surface recovery, appropriate technologies should be put forward to achieve sustainable development of repair strategies.

4.1 The Disaster Area of Soil Erosion and Debris Flow

The surface soil and vegetation on peripheral slopes of the southern and the northern open-pit mining fields have been destroyed, which leads to serious soil erosion and a large number of gullies. In result, vegetation is difficult to grow there. Inspired by the rainwater storage cisterns in the Northwest of China, the authors designed the catchment area and retaining wall to collect rainwater on sloping fields, cisterns to store rainwater, earthenware ducts with pores to seep water combining with the natural slope elevation to maintain the soil moisture, improving the conditions of vegetation growth and gradually restoring vegetation cover on the bare lands of the southern and the northern open-pit mining fields. At the same time, several screen meshes are designed to be fixed on the stumps, and soil that rain washed down will be trapped by the screen meshes. Also, rain will wash down mud that contains grass seeds. Several years later, the gullies will eventually be filled and covered with vegetation, and the repair materials will gradually be part of the nature.

4.2 The Coal Gangue Area

About 1.25 million m3 of coal gangue and slag pile area not only occupies the lands for production and daily life, but also causes serious environmental pollution. Therefore, the restoration of this area should emphasize on the purification and reclamation of coal gangue. Use the soil repair device unit that is added degradation bacteria and lime powder, the coal gangue heap will slowly leaking from the device under gravity, and its acidity and pollutants would be gradually diluted and decomposed, and soil has been improving. By means of pioneer vegetation such as green bristlegrass and shepherd have influence on pollutants, which are improvement and physical effects, forming reclaimed soil. Along with the continuous improvement of native plant communities, a new ecological system can be formed. When purification and reclamation of coal gangue reach to a certain extent, the repair unit facilities can be converted into landscape facilities by a simple transformation, meeting the demand of people to a variety of functions.

4.3 Water Area of the Colliery

The water storage of the northern pit is about 2.63 million m3, and its major source comes from rainy season precipitation, Qian River and Longwang Ditch surface water, Jiaoping, Yuhua Colliery domestic sewage and industrial wastewater, which can supply almost 3,000m3 water per day. Since the industrial wastewater and domestic sewage are discharged directly into the colliery without treatment, the colliery water quality indicates a high acidity and high degree of mineralization, making these precious water resources cannot be used. The plan uses coal gangue and fly ash as raw material, along with reed to build an artificial wetland system. It purifies pollutants in mine waters effectively through three stages to gradually recover the ecosystem: 1) The canal area: using fly ash and coal gangue as canal matrix and plant reeds, cattails and other wetland plants to conduct a preliminary purification of runoff sewage; 2) The artificial wetland area: combining the natural form of wetlands with functions of regulating reservoir, settling pond, anaerobic pool, and collecting tank; 3) The main lake area: a filtering dam with active coal gangue as the matrix on the lake edge is designed to remove sulfur, taking landscape water transport function into account. The separate area is used for algae breeding and a final treatment of water quality.

4.4 The Mountain Stripping Surface and Industrial Relic Area

A new geological museum is designed on the stripped surface of mountains by mining, making it an education base for geography. Meanwhile, the plan afforests the roofs to maintain the continuation of the ecological system of the mountain and the integrity of landscape. Besides, it integrates and re-designs the existing old factory building, sub-coal tower and other structures to make them convert into all types of landscape facilities. For example, the sub-coal tower and coal running piping are converted into a viewing tower and an aerial view corridor, and the viewing towers connect with each other, forming a three-dimensional viewing system.

5 Conclusion

The ecological restoration of Yuhua Colliery is expected to deal with the relationship between human and nature, human and economic development and historical culture, to form a sustainable development model. The restoration of soil and water quality will promote the improvement of the ecosystem, and thus will provide a basis for the development of agriculture, forestry, and medicine herb industry. Industrial sites will rely on enormously attractive of local scenic resources to form mining relics landscape areas after the landscape transformation, and promote culture and tourism industry. The adjustment of industrial structure will accelerate economic growth, promote employment population, and besides, the superior natural environment and historical culture will signifi enhance the vitality and attractiveness of the sites.



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[2] 谢云成.煤矸石:粉煤灰基质人工湿地技术处理 矿井水模拟研究[J].安徽农业科学,2011,39(14): 8545-8547.

[3] 董美云.铜川市煤矿区生态修复研究[D].西安:陕 西师范大学,2009:13.



李启/1989年生/男/河南开封人/西安建筑科技大学艺术学院2013级在读硕士研究生(西安 710055)

孙慧姝/1990年生/女/山东青岛人/西安建筑科技大学艺术学院2013级在读硕士研究生(西安 710055)

郑爽/1991年生/女/湖北荆门人/西安建筑科技大学艺术学院2013级在读硕士研究生(西安 710055)

李晨/1991年生/女/山西长治人/西安建筑科技大学艺术学院2013级在读硕士研究生(西安 710055)


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