
Volunteer Translation Recruitment II

by Aug 27, 2010
by 风景园林新青年 Aug 27, 2010





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1、该轮待译及待校对的文章,其中有20篇已征得美国风景园林师协会(ASLA)期刊风景园林杂志(Landscape Architecture Magazine)同意在Youth Landscape Architecture上发表,另有4篇已征得TOPOS作者同意在Youth Landscape Architecture上发表。全部中文版权归风景园林新青年所有。



1 The Washington Outsider (NO.1) (Article Source: LAM)(此文章较长,分为三部分,此部分限一人完成)(此文已被申请)

Washington, D.C., the host city for the 2010 ASLA Meeting, is full of singular landscapes.

2 The Washington Outsider (NO.2) (Article Source: LAM)(此文章较长,分为三部分,此部分限一人完成)(此文已被申请)

Washington, D.C., the host city for the 2010 ASLA Meeting, is full of singular landscapes.

3 The Washington Outsider (NO.3) (Article Source: LAM)(此文章较长,分为三部分,此部分限一人完成)(此文已被申请)

Washington, D.C., the host city for the 2010 ASLA Meeting, is full of singular landscapes.

4 Gotham goes Green(Article Source: LAM)(此文已被申请)

New York’s new High Performance Landscape Guidelines encourage a more sustainable approach to designing and managing the city’s parks.

5 The Rail World: Santa Fe (Article Source: LAM)(此文已被申请)

Ken Smith reassembles pieces of several pasts in a park where trains crossing the West once met.

6 Well-Kept Secret (Article Source: LAM)(此文已被申请)

A 27-year-old vest-pocket park with unusual detailing has stood the test of time in Philadelphia’s dense Center City.

7 Mall Brawl (Article Source: LAM)(此文已被申请)

A controversial project in Charlottesville, Virginia, aims to revitalize Halprin’s Main Street Mall, one of the few successful pedestrian malls, which is beginning to crumble due to deferred maintenance.

8 The Church ladies (Article Source: LAM)(此文已被申请)

Landscape Architecture visits with three original clients of Thomas Church and talks with them about their gardens—their design, how they’ve held up over the years, and their future.

9 Are you Certified? (Article Source: LAM)(此文已被申请)

Landscape architects are pursuing a variety of professional certifications. What opinions are out there, and is the abundance of certifications strengthening or weakening the profession?

10 Under the Interstate (Article Source: LAM)(此文已被申请)

The Buffalo Bayou Promenade runs along a flood-prone river beneath a tangle of highway bridges. What sorts of challenges did its designers face? And how has the public embraced this unusual park?

11 Thinking Big and Small (Article Source: LAM)(此文已被申请)

Philadelphia Green is a flexible nonprofit working at a variety of scales to fight blight, create community, and beautify its namesake city. org

12 More than Preservationists (Article Source: LAM)(此文已被申请)

The Culture Landscape Foundation is raising awareness of notable designed landscapes and the individuals who created them.

13 Humanizing the Botanical Garden (Article Source: LAM)(此文已被申请)

The Naples Botanical Garden in southwest Florida is not just a pretty plant museum.

14 A new day? (Article Source: LAM)(此文已被申请)

A mega-development provides Utah an antidote to Salt Lake City sprawl. But does it go far enough?

15 Catch the Wave (Article Source: LAM)(此文已被申请)

A redesigned entry plaza at the National Aquarium in Baltimore spices up the city’s Inner Harbor and brings the aquarium’s mission out into the size.

16 Shopping’s new clothes (Article Source: TOPOS)(此文已被申请)

J. Robert Anderson Landscape Architects brings some local character to one of America’s most homogenous landscape–the shopping center.

17 Sustainability and Landscape (Article Source: TOPOS)(此文已被申请)

Sustainability represents more than mere technological solutions and responses to issues of design projects. Sustainability is fundamentally about the distribution of resources between individuals and species and, therefore, grounded in a discourse of justice. Landscape architects must engage in this underlying issue of justice.

18 Photovoltaics in Open Space Design (Article Source: TOPOS)(此文已被申请)

Integrating photovoltaic equipment is a design challenge not only for architecture but also for landscape architecture. Including elements providing solar energy for electricity and heating will develop into a widespread task in open space design.

19  Biocity, Emergent Sustainability (Article Source: TOPOS)(此文已被申请)

Emergence or the study of complexity explores how complex systems and patterns self-organise. This provides a new way of reading the conceptual process of city development. The Biocity model defines cities as self-organising, ecological biotopes. It can be used to assist in visualisation of the generative complexity of a city and as a sustainable integrated planning tool for urban design.

20  The Sustainable Sites Initiative (Article Source: TOPOS)(此文已被申请)

The Sustainable Sites Initiative™ (SITES™) is an interdisciplinary effort by the American Society of Landscape Architects, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center at The University of Texas at Austin and the United States Botanic Garden to create voluntary national guidelines and performance benchmarks for sustainable land design, construction and maintenance practices.

1 Civil Union (Article Source: LAM,译者——刘雯)(此文已被申请)

A fledgling landscape architecture program once partnered with a landscape design program for mutual advantage. Now that they need each other less, what has been learned?

2 Malden River Makeover (Article Source: LAM,译者——邱慧、鲍联影)(此文已被申请)

A brown-field redevelopment project shows how landscape architecture can collaborate on damaged sites.

3 What lies beneath? (Article Source: LAM,译者——田蕾)(此文已被申请)

Archaeological remains mobilize grassroots activists to change course on an urban renewal project.

4 Resurrecting the adventure-style playground (Article Source: LAM,译者——周逸航)(此文已被申请)

Two new playgrounds in Central Park honor the past and offer hope for the future of playground design.


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绿墙 9.11 Greenway 交通节点 庭院 可持续 狼牙山 校园 布鲁克林 购物中心 安藤忠雄 多样性 商业建筑 雨水 人居环境 沃夫岗·哈勃 公共花园 方塔园 德国市民花园 枯山水 就业 檀馨 种植装置 logo 马萨诸塞大学 UMass 三倾园 城市景观 康奈尔大学 合作 幻觉 维格兰 GSD 数字化 批评 墨西哥 教学 绿色基础设施 罗马奖 风景园林学会2015年会 讲座 留学 骑行 经典 可持续城市 新青年读老经典 香港 孟兆祯 公共交通 马晓暐 纵向耕作 新加坡 雪铁龙公园 城市 Waterboxx 城市雨水 韩炳越 Vista Hermosa 沥青 地震 日本 会议 洛阳 中央公园 泰山 Prof. Loidl-Reisch 调查问卷 滨水 香格里拉植物园 Julius Fabos 实验 张唐景观 客座教授 文化景观 钢笔画 风景园林 盐湖城 跨学科教育 Michael Van Valkenburgh and Associates 自然观 灾后 园博会 深圳前海 经验 保护 TAMU 宾夕法尼亚大学 世界风景园林师高峰论坛 华南 新西兰 散步道 机场 2013北京园博会 设景 北角公园 Media Ship 概念方案 视觉文化 布鲁克林大桥 迪士尼音乐厅 预制混凝土 何巧女 台湾 数字景观 普渡大学 Stoss Landscape Urbanism 鹿特丹 景观都市主义 雨洪管理 佛罗里达 韩国 生态 安友丰 垃圾 银泉市 Silver Spring 挪威 西方建筑 手绘 王欣 职业实践 游乐场 矶琦新 陈俊愉 设计竞赛 北林 德国 植物 年会 Gleisdreieck 博士 2012IFLA 广场 西安世园会 天津大学 休斯顿探索公园 绿色设计 盆景园 公益 住宅花园 LEPC 非言述性和默会性知识 公园 环境 LABash 禅修 反思 风景园林学 碳补偿林 证书 可持续化 长椅 绿色屋顶 城乡 禅意 雕塑 卡尔维诺 苗木 政治 喷泉 老人 伊利诺伊大学 UIUC 瑠公圳 教育 展览 河流 冯纪忠 Prof. Jürgen Weidinger 洪盈玉 志愿者 翻译 BIM 华盛顿 ASLA 迪拜 马克 野生动物廊道 纪念性景观 Xeritown 地域性景观 绿道 风景园林学会2013年会 棕地 北川 Prof. Nigel Cross 苏州古典园林 历史 辰山植物园 水文 朱育帆 哈佛 现代主义 Peter Walker 联谊 Dr. Rosan Chow 土人景观 迪士尼 Disney 毕业设计 宋晔皓 湿地 铺装 种植 清华 行业 Mader SWA 参数化设计 考研 Prof. Gesche Joost Vertical Greening Systems 旅游 城市空间 SANAA 开放空间 布法罗河湾散步道 IGA 北京 区域园林 Hans Joachim Mader 花园 buffalo 城市建设 AGER 青海 加州花园 国家公园 书评 巴塞罗那 清华同衡学术周 日本设计 保研 法国 风景园林学会2011年会 铁路 论坛 广州市绿化公司 设计未来城市 创业 风景区 刘秀晨 Jack Ahern 多伦多 哈普林 halprin 南湖中央公园 Prof. Wolfgang Jonas 西班牙 五角大楼 James Corner 海平面上升 自然文化资源 龙安寺 维吉尼亚理工大学 托滕堡公园 意识形态 教学元素 年报 古根海姆博物馆 便携 朱胜萱 居住区 技术 捷得国际 张乔松 水盒子 岭南园林 美术馆 加拿大 纽约 竞赛 新年 Malden 儿童 纪念碑 托马斯·丘奇 低收入住宅 空间 TOPOS 沙龙 Juergen Weidinger 自杀 珊瑚礁 如园 Ruggeri 人文 万科 Diana Balmori 树屋 地砖 RTD 理论 美国 希望小学 世博 学习方法 铺地 步行街 欧洲 北欧 王劲韬 LAM 场所 贝聿铭 Brownfield 太阳能 环境效应 风景园林月 英国 玛莎·施瓦茨 牛雄 夏成钢 国际风景园林师高峰论坛 雕塑公园 鹈鹕湾 成范永 2012IFLA亚太区会议 工程 摄影 护栏 俞昌斌 几何 京津冀 ASLA学生奖 风景园林新青年,就在你身边 水景 弗吉尼亚大学 UVa 原子城 建筑 碛口古镇 鸟类 数字图解 图解 植物园 钓鱼岛 WEST8 空气污染 MLA Gesche Joost 毛细水 设计研究 枡野俊明 Ron Henderson 首尔 上海 低能耗 永昌河 Kingston University 裁员 NITA 流浪汉 视频 设计展 ARC IFLA 历史理论 什刹海 LIM