
by May 28, 2012
by 风景园林新青年 May 28, 2012





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备注:该轮待译的17篇文章已征得美国风景园林师协会(ASLA)期刊风景园林杂志(Landscape Architecture Magazine),TOPOS及Fabric Landscape Architecture杂志同意在Youth Landscape Architecture上发表,中文版权归YouthLA所有。



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1 Tahrir Square: Origins and Futures (翻译:刘智玮;校对:张芸


Article Source: Mohamed Elshahed.TOPOS. 76, 2011

Summary: The ongoing political upheval in Egypt has drawn attention to the various public stages for protests, demonstrations and other exercises of free speech, and none more so than Tahrir Square in Cairo. The history of Tahrir Square and the consideration of the function of public space in Egyptian society are rich sources of insight into the ongoing developments.

2 Post Traumatic Stress Management(翻译:宁杰;校对:孔滢


Article Source: Ute Plagge.TOPOS. 76, 2011

Summary: Whether suffering is caused by nature or by other humans, the consequences are serious for those affected. Recovering from a traumatic experience is important and requires support.

3 Landscapes Of Disaster: Symbolic Spaces of Orientation(翻译:高宽;校对:夏心珏


Article Source: Frank Eckardt.TOPOS. 76, 2011

Summary: Famous historical natural disasters changed the view of the world. Until recently, we comprehended dramatised landscapes by identifying ourselves with the victims. Catastrophes appeared to be phenomena of definable coordinates, thus making it possible to orient ourselves. The 21st-century landscapes of risk now brought upon us as a result of climate change appear to be understandable in neither a spatial nor a temporal fashion, however. This has deprived the landscape of its symbolic orientation.

4 Two Million Homes for Mexico(翻译:何柳;校对:宁杰


Article Source: Livia Corona.TOPOS. 76, 2011

Summary: In 2000, Mexican presidential candidate Vicente Fox Quesada announced an unprecedented campaign promise to build two million low-income homes throughout the country during his six-year term. The results of that promise raise many questions.

5 Preemptive Landscape: A Prototype for Coastal Urbanization along the Pacific Ring of Fire(翻译:辛旷;校对:高宽


Article Source: Miho Mazereeuw.TOPOS. 76, 2011

Summary: A team of designers is trying to help a community that was devastated in the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan to answer difficult questions about how – and whether – to rebuild.

6 Christchurch:Living in a Crisis Landscape(翻译:张炜;校对:Mengjia Wang


Article Source: John Walsh.TOPOS. 76, 2011

Summary: The earthquake of 4 September 2010 and ongoing aftershocks have hit Christchurch unprepared. Located in the south of New Zealand, the city was considered a safe place in a country located precariously on the convergence of tectonic plates. The people of Christchurch now have to consider a lingering threat.

7 Remaking City and Coast: Landscape Crisis in New Orleans(翻译:张芸;校对:辛旷


Article Source: Elizabeth mossop.TOPOS. 76, 2011

Summary: Hurricane Katrina revealed underlying environmental problems in the delta of New Orleans. Since then, greater awareness for this ecosystem has emerged. Several projects evidence a new approach to landscape issues, yet it is still difficult to implement landscape-driven projects.

8 The exam goes totally digital(翻译:宋阳;校对:张炜


Article Source: Daniel Jost. Landscape Architecture Magazine. Feb, 2012

Summary: Later this year, the LARE, the professional licensing exam, will change to a computer-based test, one its administrators believe will provide a better reflection of skill.

9 Meadow man (翻译:何冠华、张帆;校对:傅婉


Article Source: Daniel Jost. Landscape Architecture Magazine. Feb, 2012

Summary: The texture of contemporary landscape design would look quite different today were it not for the perennial revolution led by Wolfgang Oehme. Clients and colleagues offer remembrances of Oehme, who died in late December.

10 Haiti: Studies in recovery (翻译:蒋巧璐、邓巧;校对:何冠华、张帆


Article Source:Diane Jones, Asla, and Austin Allen, Asla. Landscape Architecture Magazine. Feb, 2012

Summary: Amid the epic devastation of the 2010 earthquake, students from Morgan State University and Louisiana State University traveled to Jacmel to help design for better days ahead.

11 Phyto your life(翻译:孔滢;校对:赵君


Article Source: Alex Ulam, Landscape Architecture Magazine. Mar, 2012

Summary: Relatively few landscape architects have taken on the task of phytoremediation for cleaning up toxic sites. As they deal with industrial leftovers, the kinds of plants that eat poison will be increasingly useful.

12 BMW Guggenheim lab showcases portable fabrics and meshes(翻译:杜鹃;校对:何柳


Article Source: Frank Edgerton Martin, Fabric Architecture Magazine.Nov, 2011

Summary: Guggenheim Museum opens “Laboratory” for public discussions about sustainability. http://fabricarchitecturemag.com/articles/1111_rp_guggenheim_lab.html

13 Built for peanuts(翻译:赵君;校对:刘智玮


Article Source: Frank Edgerton Martin, Landscape Architecture Magazine. Jan, 2012

Summary: In an unusual arrangement , Ken Smith, ASLA, has designed new parks on swatches of public land in three cities for a corporate sponsor who wears a top hat and a monocle.

14 Pure Folly(翻译:傅婉;校对:Xiaoyu


Article Source: Lisa Speckhardt, Landscape Architecture Magazine. Jan, 2012

Summary: Garden art shapes spaces and captures attention.

15 Life changes (翻译:周浩;校对:蒋巧璐、邓巧


Article Source: Daniel Jost. Landscape Architecture Magazine. Jan, 2012

Summary: Since LAM first published the Chesapeake Bay garden of James van Sweden, FASLA, in 2004, his life has transformed completely ,and the garden has taken on new meanings.

16 Hey kids: outside is in(翻译:徐留生;校对:周浩


Article Source: Daniel Jost. Landscape Architecture Magazine. Jan, 2012

Summary: A new elementary school in northern Virginia by Siteworks won an ASLA design award for the ways it puts children face to face with the natural world around them.

17 North America’s First Modular living wall installation opens in Vancouver(翻译:杨谢寒;校对:宋阳


Article Source: Frank Edgerton Martin, Fabric Architecture Magazine.Nov, 2009

Summary: A new frontier for fabric applications begins at the Vancouver Aquarium’s new Aquaquest-Marilyn Blusson Learning Centre.

18 Fabric pavilion pays tribute to architect’s plan for Chicago(翻译:Xiaoyu;校对:杜鹃


Article Source: Frank Edgerton Martin, Fabric Architecture Magazine.Nov, 2009

Summary: Zaha Hadid’s tiny Burnham pavilion captures Chicago’s grand plans.

19 Ken Smith’s fabric wallflowers bloom in New York(翻译:常骥亚;校对:游雅


Article Source: Frank Edgerton Martin, Fabric Architecture Magazine.July, 2010

Summary: Ken Smith’s temporary city garden grows with some surprising fabrics.

20 Randy sharp envisions living cities(翻译:游雅;校对:徐留生


Article Source: Frank Edgerton Martin, Fabric Architecture Magazine.May, 2010

Summary: A leading Canadian landscape architect discusses green roofs, walls and opportunities for new technologies.

21 Near And Far(翻译:Mengjia Wang;校对:常骥亚


Article Source: Daniel Jost. Landscape Architecture Magazine. February, 2011

Summary: After two decades of practicing in Arizona, Christine Ten Eyck moved back to Texas to start a second office. Ten Eyck and her principals talk about her efforts to work in two places at once.

22 Well-Kept Secret(翻译:夏心珏;校对:杨谢寒


Article Source: Daniel Jost.Landscape Architecture Magazine. September, 2008

Summary: A 27-year-old vest-pocket park with unusual detailing has stood the test of time in Philadelphia’s dense Center City.


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佛罗里达 老人 城市 伊利诺伊大学 UIUC 城乡 矶琦新 雨洪管理 土人景观 ARC 意识形态 会议 绿色基础设施 中央公园 几何 碛口古镇 Michael Van Valkenburgh and Associates 古根海姆博物馆 教学元素 韩国 SWA 竞赛 可持续化 便携 LAM 泰山 京津冀 日本设计 地震 张唐景观 历史理论 校园 Ruggeri Hans Joachim Mader 新青年读老经典 保护 棕地 Prof. Jürgen Weidinger WEST8 书评 设计展 安友丰 华南 Dr. Rosan Chow 哈普林 halprin 合作 设计竞赛 喷泉 挪威 洪盈玉 Stoss Landscape Urbanism 绿色屋顶 北林 论坛 康奈尔大学 地域性景观 年报 居住区 ASLA 机场 新西兰 儿童 西安世园会 俞昌斌 清华 Prof. Loidl-Reisch 风景园林 Malden 联谊 庭院 雕塑 铁路 五角大楼 种植 公共交通 概念方案 预制混凝土 考研 Juergen Weidinger 青海 手绘 希望小学 休斯顿探索公园 教学 鹿特丹 普渡大学 LEPC 广州市绿化公司 自然文化资源 新年 迪拜 多样性 维吉尼亚理工大学 创业 城市景观 枡野俊明 裁员 开放空间 宾夕法尼亚大学 幻觉 龙安寺 广场 布鲁克林 讲座 首尔 捷得国际 步行街 枯山水 布法罗河湾散步道 美术馆 Media Ship 布鲁克林大桥 香格里拉植物园 加州花园 Kingston University Prof. Wolfgang Jonas Prof. Gesche Joost 宋晔皓 风景园林学会2011年会 盐湖城 LIM 万科 技术 MLA 刘秀晨 北欧 洛阳 场所 自然观 设计未来城市 调查问卷 如园 保研 自杀 现代主义 建筑 德国市民花园 设计研究 城市雨水 实验 沙龙 人文 华盛顿 图解 鸟类 辰山植物园 博士 环境 公益 Vertical Greening Systems 西方建筑 巴塞罗那 玛莎·施瓦茨 毛细水 纪念性景观 游乐场 客座教授 Gleisdreieck 国家公园 低收入住宅 TAMU Prof. Nigel Cross Vista Hermosa 陈俊愉 Waterboxx 张乔松 水景 清华同衡学术周 TOPOS Diana Balmori 原子城 毕业设计 墨西哥 设景 珊瑚礁 弗吉尼亚大学 UVa 托滕堡公园 德国 深圳前海 野生动物廊道 年会 日本 志愿者 2012IFLA 雕塑公园 盆景园 台湾 水盒子 北川 迪士尼音乐厅 植物园 牛雄 logo 学习方法 禅修 欧洲 植物 世界风景园林师高峰论坛 环境效应 迪士尼 Disney 加拿大 太阳能 可持续城市 交通节点 Julius Fabos 历史 流浪汉 空间 风景区 公园 王劲韬 方塔园 反思 风景园林新青年,就在你身边 人居环境 法国 摄影 风景园林学会2013年会 钢笔画 9.11 经典 绿道 非言述性和默会性知识 视觉文化 王欣 城市空间 BIM 成范永 职业实践 树屋 工程 数字化 南湖中央公园 纽约 NITA Gesche Joost Xeritown Jack Ahern 行业 沥青 证书 何巧女 托马斯·丘奇 朱胜萱 三倾园 商业建筑 Peter Walker 夏成钢 垃圾 马克 朱育帆 留学 苏州古典园林 政治 ASLA学生奖 区域园林 视频 狼牙山 可持续 旅游 绿色设计 Mader SANAA 地砖 沃夫岗·哈勃 风景园林学会2015年会 长椅 雪铁龙公园 河流 公共花园 RTD 就业 禅意 碳补偿林 孟兆祯 批评 马萨诸塞大学 UMass 瑠公圳 风景园林学 绿墙 数字景观 Brownfield 马晓暐 GSD 雨水 散步道 住宅花园 铺装 西班牙 多伦多 灾后 数字图解 展览 购物中心 骑行 钓鱼岛 护栏 2012IFLA亚太区会议 景观都市主义 纪念碑 海平面上升 IFLA 空气污染 城市建设 园博会 英国 风景园林月 香港 美国 生态 LABash 罗马奖 北角公园 种植装置 参数化设计 北京 翻译 贝聿铭 苗木 Greenway 文化景观 冯纪忠 新加坡 水文 天津大学 岭南园林 花园 AGER 国际风景园林师高峰论坛 理论 永昌河 上海 跨学科教育 经验 银泉市 Silver Spring 什刹海 James Corner 教育 滨水 哈佛 鹈鹕湾 安藤忠雄 2013北京园博会 Ron Henderson 世博 檀馨 低能耗 铺地 buffalo 韩炳越 IGA 维格兰 湿地 卡尔维诺 纵向耕作