
Some notes on research into garden modernism

by and Jan 11, 2013
by Lars Hopstock and 郭湧 Jan 11, 2013





大约20年之前,风景园林学科就已经开始思考自己的前辈,是他们塑造了我们当今所生活的世界。自1990年左右开始,相关论文的大量发表 ,反映了这种思考。尽管如此,仍有一些核心方面几乎未被关注到。例如,两次大战之间的德国民主政治时期(1918-1933)所发生的风景园林与前卫派艺术和建筑的交流。然而,现在可能是时候将传记研究中得到的见解,经过整合,发展为“现代风景园林的批判史”了。





正如前文所述,“现代主义”这个词比人们想象的更容易产生歧义。19世纪和20世纪已经被称为“意识形态的年代”(Bracher 1982)。对于德国来说,这有特殊的意义。而且之所以现代主义在20世纪80年代前的研究中几乎销声匿迹是有特殊原因的:这一职业与1933-1945年的纳粹政权具有错综复杂的联系。总体来说,直到20世纪60年代晚期的学潮之前,有关纳粹时代的问题都是一种禁忌。






风景园林学是一门设计行业,一定程度上从属于艺术理论和艺术史的分类。为了指导历史研究,风景园林师们有必要更加自主地提高应对这些不同领域的方法论的能力。事实上,很多艺术史学家同样在进行园林史研究。在必要的写作技巧方面他们更有优势,而且总体上看,他们具有相当大的方法论方面的优势。另一方面,风景园林师也有自己的优势。他们可以更好地理解设计的创造动机和认识论内容,比如在设计完成的人工制品中内含的隐性知识(参考Nigel Cross或者Bryan Lawson著作中的例证)。他们对空间也有更好的理解。例如,不同材料效果对空间品质的作用,或者空间中运动方式的引导。因此,如果从业人员把他们对于设计过程的知识带入现代主义园林的历史研究中,那将非常有益。





2010年10月到2012年10月,郝普世托克先生在柏林工业大学Jürgen Weidinger教授领导的项目设计教席中担任助理研究员。在此期间,他主要从事设计理论研究,辅导学生进行设计Studio和毕业论文写作,同时主讲20世纪早期园林史课程。



近年来,郝普世托克先生主要研究方向转为园林艺术史和行业发展史。尤其关注风景园林设计领域内的艺术理论问题。2006年10月,郝普世托克获得德意志学术交流中心(DAAD)研究生奖学金,开始在英国谢菲尔德大学攻读博士学位。在Jan Woudstra 和Peter Blundell Jones两位导师的指导下,他开始进行关于Hermann Mattern (1902-1971)和德国现代主义风景园林的研究。



Some notes on research into garden modernism

Why do research on garden modernism?

For a long time landscape architecture modernism has been under-represented in Garden History research. Despite a rising number of dissertation theses about early 20th-century landscape architects, until now no comprehensive critical review of garden modernism can be found. Even though the better-known concepts for gardens and urban plans of earlier periods are still present in our environment today, many places we live in are much more shaped by designers born around and after 1900. In order to be able to fully appreciate their work more research is needed.

In respect to architecture, conservationists today mourn the loss of early modernist building heritage. Countless works have been destroyed in the war, during the decades of reconstruction, or with post-modernist urban renewal projects. In landscape architecture a great part of our heritage from the 20th century may be destroyed even before we are aware of its qualities. In Western culture material destruction of built works is irreversible because an intrinsic part of the perception of the original material is an ‘aura of authenticity’ that cannot fully be regained by reconstructing a project.

Some two decades ago the discipline of landscape architecture has really begun to bethink itself of the generation who shaped the world we were born into. This shows in the impressive number of respective monographs that has been published since around 1990. Nonetheless there are still central aspects left that have only rarely been considered. An example is the exchange between landscape architecture and the avant-garde in art and architecture during the democratic phase of the inter-war years in Germany (1918–1933). However, it might be about time to synthesise the insights won in biographical research projects into a ‘critical history of modern landscape architecture’.

The paradoxon of a ‘green’ modernism

‘Nature’ is a term, that gains its meaning in great parts from the context it stands in. It is thus virtually impossible to use on its own. For example, ‘the human nature’ can mean completely different things. Either it could stand for the ‘immoral’ human instincts as contrasting the ‘good’ civilised human, or it could mean the exact opposite if one believes in the theory of the ‘noble savage’ as the natural human unspoilt by civilisation. The signifying context always depends on the mindset of the person under consideration.

Today, ‘the natural’ is usually seen as a kind of antithesis to the modernist view of the world with its celebration of technology and of human control over nature. In this regard, research on modernism holds one central pitfall for our profession. A modernist designer’s mindset is often defined by a rejection of ‘nature’, which to the modernists seemed to have represented irrationality, hierarchies, and barbarism. According to this definition of modernism, their proponents strove for the opposite of ‘nature’: the rational, the egalitarian, and the controlled. For example, Adolf Loos famously saw the roots of architectural ornament (which he rejected) in the ‘barbarian’ human nature. This dualism, which has dominated the discussion, is most commonly connected with another dualism on a formal level: the view of geometric form as expression of a progressive mind, morally superior to organic form and plasticity. In this context, some scholars see organic form as sign for a romantic, anti-modernist standing. A form of landscape architecture that completely rejects the organic is difficult to imagine. Nonetheless these prominent views have a point, and they can hardly be avoided in the discussion about modernism in landscape architecture.

The German situation

As the previous lines already suggest, the term ‘modernism’ is more ambiguous as one might think. The 19th and 20th centuries have been called the ‘age of ideologies’ (Bracher 1982). For Germany this has a special meaning, and there is a particular reason for why modernism has hardly been looked at in research before the 1980s: the profession’s far-reaching interconnection with the National-Socialist regime of 1933–1945. Generally speaking, until the student revolts in the late 1960s it was a taboo to ask questions about the Nazi times.

The first full university course for landscape architecture was installed in 1929 at Berlin Agricultural College, which in 1934 was incorporated into the Berlin University. This meant that the beginning of the academic tradition was soon influenced by the fascist Blood-and-Soil (Blut-und-Boden) ideology. Up until the 1960s known Nazi followers like Gustav Allinger (1891–1974), Alwin Seifert (1890–1972) or Friedrich Heinrich Wiepking-Jürgensmann (1891–1973) were celebrated personalities holding central academic posts. As long as they were alive nobody dared to research their past. Only in the 1980s it became widely known for example, above all thanks to the efforts of Gert Gröning and Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn, that Wiepking, professor in Berlin during all the Third Reich, was involved in redesigning the occupied territories in Poland and Russia and that he had promoted the Nazi ideology by writing aggressively völkish (racist) pamphlets.

Concerning design, in Germany of course we are confronted with the special situation that under the Hitler dictatorship much of modernist art was officially dismissed as degenerate (completely different to the situation under Italian fascism). On the other hand it has also been presented evidence for modernist aspects and aesthetics that were accepted within, and part of, the Nazi’s world. As early as in 1984, Jeffrey Herf in his book ‘Reactionary Modernism’ formulated the thesis that the ‘reactionary Modernists’ shifted technological innovation and modernism into the cultural sphere, thus being in the position to embrace technological modernism ‘without adopting a rationalist word view in politics and culture’ (p. 40). Several historians have since referred to this topic.

Modernist designers usually saw their work as contributions beneficial to society in general, and therefore questions about the relations between fascism, modernism, and social progressiveness hold some relevance. Consequently, the garden historian can only profit from a look at the current state of the discussion in the humanities.

Integrating the Humanities and designerly knowledge

In the humanities (Art History, History, Cultural Studies, etc.) modernism has been seen as a more and more complex, contradictory, and simply heterogeneous affair than what the earlier post-modernist critics saw in it. In this respect, garden historiography has to move on from the search for the one modernist style to the actual question of which modernism it is dealing with in each specific case. From that standing point it is essential that the discussion of a work look at ideological influences on, and biographical determinations of an apparent style. From this perspective biographical research is still of great importance and stylistic classifications become less significant. The historiography of modernist art shows that a specific style is no proof for a certain ideological standing. In contemporary art theory the term ‘style’ has lost momentum.

Landscape architecture is a design profession and as such partly subjected to categories of Art Theory and Art History. In conducting historical research, landscape architects need to develop more naturalness in dealing with methodologies from these other fields. A great share of garden-historical research is actually realised by art historians, who are much more accustomed to the necessary writing skills and generally have a considerable methodological head start. On the other hand, landscape architects have the advantage of understanding better the creative motivations and the epistemological qualities of design, i.e. the implicit knowledge contained in a designed artefact (compare for example the writings of Nigel Cross or Bryan Lawson). They also have a better understanding of space, e.g. the effect of different materials on spatial quality or the guidance of movement through spatial means. It could therefore be very conducive if practitioners brought in their knowledge of the design process into historical research on garden modernism.

A holistic perspective

Questions of form are of course central in a profession concerned with design, but there seem to be a number of other useful, non-formal references for the evaluation of a modernist garden. One of the points of reference most scholars probably agree on is the expression of reformist thinking as related to the social housing reform and the reform park movement (‘Volkspark’ in Germany). Regarding the private garden, another topos is the ‘outside living room’, a functionally organised space with a focus on physical and psychological well-being, connecting inside and outside. Then, on an art theoretical level, for example the materialism of proponents of the 19th century reform of the applied arts such as A.W.N. Pugin or Gottfried Semper and of the Arts and Crafts Movement is still championed by the promoters of modernist design. Both questions of ideology and of aesthetics are facets of historical research in any design discipline. The evaluation of the progressiveness of a modernist landscape architect should take into account all different aspects mentioned above: the form accomplished as well as the functional intention as well as the ideology of the designer him- or herself.

Postmodernism has brought about some insights now almost universally acknowledged amongst historians. This is first of all the comprehension of all documents’ relativity and of our limitations in knowing ‘what actually happened’ in the past. Beside this, researching the modern heritage of our profession it is crucial not to deny the complexity of the biographical and historical context. Accepting it brings us much closer to the thinking of these men and women.

About the Author:

From October 2010 to October 2012, Lars was scientific assistant at the Chair of Project Design of Prof. Jürgen Weidinger. Here he occupied himself above all with design theory, supervising design studios and theses and giving seminars on early 20th century history.

Lars completed his studies at TU Berlin at the end of 2003 with a Master thesis (Diplomarbeit) about ornamental qualities as carrier of meaning in landscape architecture. He has worked in different landscape architecture offices in Berlin, Lisbon and Sheffield, above all in the areas design, visualization and tender project design. In recent years Lars’ focus has shifted towards the history of the profession and to design theory.

In October 2006 Lars was awarded a scholarship for graduates by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), which he used to start a PhD thesis at the University of Sheffield (UK). Under supervision of Dr. Jan Woudstra and Prof. Dr. Peter Blundell Jones, he researches about Hermann Mattern (1902-1971) and German landscape architecture Modernism.


Lars Hopstock

Lars Hopstock 拉茨﹒郝普世托克,于2003年在柏林工业大学获得硕士学位,他在柏林、里斯本和谢菲尔德的多家风景园林事务所从事过实践工作,主要负责方案设计,方案表现,以及投标项目的设计等工作。


郭湧,清华大学建筑学院景观学系在读博士研究生,柏林工业大学规划建筑环境学院 景观设计与环境规划系访问学者。


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Lars Hopstock

Lars Hopstock 拉茨﹒郝普世托克,于2003年在柏林工业大学获得硕士学位,他在柏林、里斯本和谢菲尔德的多家风景园林事务所从事过实践工作,主要负责方案设计,方案表现,以及投标项目的设计等工作。


郭湧,清华大学建筑学院景观学系在读博士研究生,柏林工业大学规划建筑环境学院 景观设计与环境规划系访问学者。


9.11 欧洲 雕塑公园 永昌河 禅修 朱胜萱 护栏 美国 贝聿铭 绿墙 马晓暐 香港 留学 低能耗 灾后 迪拜 志愿者 批评 年报 地震 康奈尔大学 工程 风景区 沥青 竞赛 五角大楼 buffalo 挪威 视觉文化 设计未来城市 NITA 空间 风景园林学会2011年会 可持续城市 植物 TOPOS Peter Walker 论坛 Michael Van Valkenburgh and Associates 2013北京园博会 风景园林学 博士 地砖 多样性 庭院 野生动物廊道 机场 方塔园 张唐景观 数字景观 檀馨 Ron Henderson 捷得国际 IFLA Gleisdreieck 冯纪忠 禅意 种植装置 土人景观 2012IFLA亚太区会议 设计研究 理论 珊瑚礁 纪念碑 可持续化 BIM 迪士尼 Disney 开放空间 文化景观 铺地 TAMU 调查问卷 钓鱼岛 ARC 德国 居住区 裁员 南湖中央公园 Prof. Loidl-Reisch 环境 泰山 加拿大 会议 滨水 自杀 非言述性和默会性知识 矶琦新 自然文化资源 历史 ASLA 水景 人文 如园 海平面上升 洛阳 什刹海 合作 纪念性景观 朱育帆 广州市绿化公司 创业 联谊 银泉市 Silver Spring 住宅花园 盐湖城 苏州古典园林 Jack Ahern 保研 城市建设 日本设计 数字图解 技术 上海 设景 MLA 城乡 布鲁克林大桥 视频 Hans Joachim Mader 保护 普渡大学 青海 Diana Balmori 便携 毛细水 安藤忠雄 鸟类 枯山水 校园 新加坡 世博 旅游 张乔松 深圳前海 洪盈玉 北林 RTD 古根海姆博物馆 教育 太阳能 希望小学 地域性景观 纽约 多伦多 历史理论 步行街 风景园林学会2013年会 城市空间 购物中心 碳补偿林 交通节点 维吉尼亚理工大学 新年 苗木 鹿特丹 游乐场 安友丰 岭南园林 北京 生态 职业实践 Mader AGER 反思 Dr. Rosan Chow 马萨诸塞大学 UMass 钢笔画 概念方案 绿色屋顶 牛雄 Brownfield 巴塞罗那 水盒子 Media Ship 沙龙 垃圾 图解 WEST8 万科 绿色基础设施 美术馆 罗马奖 天津大学 自然观 Kingston University 翻译 华盛顿 伊利诺伊大学 UIUC 铺装 辰山植物园 陈俊愉 2012IFLA 湿地 绿道 证书 公共交通 城市 客座教授 Xeritown 马克 北角公园 场所 雪铁龙公园 Ruggeri 就业 加州花园 布鲁克林 公益 风景园林月 休斯顿探索公园 老人 实验 维格兰 LEPC 狼牙山 Greenway 清华同衡学术周 毕业设计 华南 成范永 logo 风景园林新青年,就在你身边 几何 Prof. Jürgen Weidinger 哈佛 IGA 龙安寺 卡尔维诺 Juergen Weidinger 雨洪管理 刘秀晨 Prof. Nigel Cross 考研 铁路 夏成钢 设计竞赛 人居环境 GSD 低收入住宅 雨水 数字化 原子城 经验 纵向耕作 三倾园 宋晔皓 预制混凝土 法国 喷泉 建筑 王欣 讲座 棕地 佛罗里达 SANAA ASLA学生奖 韩炳越 Stoss Landscape Urbanism 日本 跨学科教育 新青年读老经典 韩国 王劲韬 城市景观 流浪汉 公共花园 河流 LAM 墨西哥 参数化设计 Malden 迪士尼音乐厅 摄影 风景园林学会2015年会 SWA Gesche Joost LABash 展览 西安世园会 骑行 清华 城市雨水 可持续 Waterboxx 弗吉尼亚大学 UVa 广场 北川 盆景园 James Corner 托滕堡公园 何巧女 教学 手绘 环境效应 中央公园 玛莎·施瓦茨 台湾 托马斯·丘奇 瑠公圳 首尔 国家公园 新西兰 沃夫岗·哈勃 Vista Hermosa 京津冀 孟兆祯 设计展 风景园林 公园 商业建筑 西方建筑 种植 植物园 西班牙 哈普林 halprin 空气污染 雕塑 绿色设计 国际风景园林师高峰论坛 长椅 散步道 俞昌斌 香格里拉植物园 鹈鹕湾 德国市民花园 树屋 枡野俊明 意识形态 Vertical Greening Systems 年会 英国 碛口古镇 Julius Fabos 北欧 教学元素 LIM 政治 园博会 景观都市主义 水文 区域园林 儿童 布法罗河湾散步道 花园 Prof. Wolfgang Jonas Prof. Gesche Joost 世界风景园林师高峰论坛 幻觉 书评 宾夕法尼亚大学 行业 现代主义 学习方法 经典